Keith County Feedlot
Located: From Big Springs, Nebraska, go South on Highway 25B to Rd 8 (Just North of Big Springs Equipment), 4 miles East to Road West N and 1.5 Miles South.
21 acres of Feedlot Facilities
The NDEE sets the total legal capacity at 999 head.
2,000 + linear feet of Cement Bunk Space.
9 Feeding Pens with Approximately 454,000 square feet total.
Primarily Johnson Cement automatic waters with overflows.
39 X 80 Steel Shop Building with Two Overhead Doors, sliding End Doors, cement floor, aprons.
Nice Office and Break Room with Bathroom and 2 Heat/AC Wall units.
Silencer Hydraulic Working Chute with Scale.
Bud Box Type Load-out
Walled Cement Silage/Feed Storage Bunker
Good Cement Bunks, Pipe and adjustable cable, 10 foot apron.
Mostly Steel Continuous Panel fencing with Pipe and Wood Posts.
Legal: A tract of land located in the E1/2 of Section 9, Township 12 North, Range 41 West and the NW1/4 of Section 10, Township 12 North, Range 41 West of the 6th P.M., Keith County, Nebraska, (described by Survey).
Taxes: The 2020 Taxes were $$2,429.04 based on an assessed value of $ $237,449.00. Tax ID #’s: 269003401, 269003102
ASKING PRICE: $253,000.00
For more information please call Kraupie’s Office at 308-262-1150 or Darrell Kraupie @ 308-279-0143