Owl Creek Alfalfa Farm – Scotts Bluff Co., NE
Owl Creek Alfalfa Farm
Scotts Bluff County, Nebraska
Located: from Morrill, Nebraska, 4 miles south on Hwy. 79D Link to CR H then 2 miles west to the northeast corner.
This Farm lies on the north side of Owl Creek. This Farm is currently all planted to Alfalfa. The last 75 acres was planted to a Dairyland variety in 2021. The oldest hay was planted in 2017. This farm should be ready to cut a lot of Hay in 2022!
Live Water in the southwest corner of the East Quarter provides water for livestock and Wildlife! Turkey, Ducks and Deer Hunting for an advantage! There have been many improvements made to this farm with the removal of some old farm buildings. There is a good domestic well (which is hard to find in this area) that can supply 2 Rubber Tanks in the northeast corner and one to the west. Caldwell Cemetery is on the north side along County Road H.
There are 2 Center Pivot Irrigation Sprinklers. The east pivot is a 2013 Reinke 7 Tower System. The East Pivot makes a full circle with bridges to cross a main lateral canal. The West Pivot is a mid-90’s Valley 7 Tower System with a Reinke Control Box. There is a 30 Hp Short Set Pump with a 30 HP electric Motor. Water is stored in a “Sediment Pond” and delivers water underground to both pivots. The east pivot shows 8577 Hrs. and the west pivot shows 5819 hrs. Good steel Bridges to cross the irrigation Canal.
Aerial Map Pivots drawn in
Aerial_Map of Newer Alfalfa
FSA Information: Approximately 230 Acres Cropland with an approximate Corn Base of 105.8 acres, yield 125 Bu. (County Average).
Legal Description: Pt. NE1/4, Pt NW1/4 Section 7 Twp 22 N R 57 W 6th PM in Scottsbluff County, Nebraska. Tax ID #’s: 010049398 & 010000029.
Real Estate Tax (2020): $8,429.00. Taxing on 253.62 total acres. The irrigated acres assessed are primarily class 1A Mitchell Fine Sandy Loam and Otero-Bayard Fine Sandy Loam.
Irrigation Tax (O&M): Water is delivered to the Farm by Gering Fort Laramie Irrigation District. Current Annual cost $5,908.20 based on 183.2 Acres of Water Right.
Asking Price $991,000.00
Call Now to view and Buy! Call Sandy Schneider at 308-631-4257 or Kraupie’s Real Estate & Auctioneers at 308-262-1150.